IV International Conference

«Combating new Coronavirus Infection and Other Infectious Diseases»

7-8 December, 2023, Saint-Petersburg

International conference

Results and Future Potential for Cooperation Between Joint Research Centers

in Africa, Asia and South America

9 December, 2023, Saint-Petersburg


About the Conference

At the beginning of December 2023, St. Petersburg will host the next IV International Conference «COMBATING NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTION AND OTHER INFECTIOUS DISEASES».


FGBU "Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin"at Senatskaya sq., 3, St. Petersburg


7-8 December 2023


Preliminary schedule

Online broadcast

Registration of conference participants

Opening speech by the head of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being A.Yu. Popova Welcoming speech from the Governor of St. Petersburg A.D. Beglov

I PLENARY SESSION Approaches to assessing the effectiveness of epidemic responses (Large hall)

Chairwoman Anna Popova, DSc (Medicine), Professor

Tea/coffee break (Gallery)

SESSION 1 Genomic surveillance: opportunities and prospects (Large hall)

Chairman Vasiliy Akimkin, Academician of the RAS

ROUND TABLE 1 Monitoring population immunity as a new tool for infection control (Multimedia hall)

Moderator Аreg Totolian, Academician of the RAS

Lunch (Gallery)

SESSION 2 Basic research in the field of immunology of viral infections (Large hall)

Chairman Аreg Totolian, Academician of the RAS

ROUND TABLE 2 Evolution of biological threats and response approaches: from smallpox to COVID-19 (Multimedia hall)

Moderator Vladimir Kutyrev, Academician of the RAS

II PLENARY SESSION Humanitarian aspects of the pandemic (Large hall)

Chairman Vadim Govorun, Academician of the RAS

Tea/coffee break (Gallery)

SESSION 3 Modern approaches to the development of drugs for the prevention and treatment of viral infections (Large hall)

Co-chairs Sergey Nedospasov, Academician of the RAS Vitaliy Zverev, Academician of the RAS

ROUND TABLE 3 Big data and artificial intelligence technologies in the context of the transition to digitalization of epidemiological surveillance (Multimedia hall)

Moderators Vasiliy Akimkin, Academician of the RAS Vadim Govorun, Academician of the RAS

Lunch (Gallery)

SESSION 4 Clinical aspects of viral infections: unresolved issues (Large hall)

Chairman Alexander Gorelov, Academician of the RAS

SESSION 5 Epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases (Multimedia hall)

Co-chairs Vladimir Dedkov, PhD (Medicine) Luka Dragačević


Co-chairs Anna Popova, DSc (Medicine), Professor Vladimir Kutyrev, Academician of the RAS

OPENING CEREMONY Opening speech by the Head of Rospotrebnadzor A.Yu. Popova Chairpersons: DSc (Medicine), Professor A.Yu. Popova, DSc (Medicine), Professor, Academician of the RAS V.V. Kutyrev

Results and prospects for cooperation between joint research centers on the study and prevention of infectious diseases in Africa, Asia and South America

Public-private partnership using the example of UC RUSAL in the Republic of Guinea

Study of vaccine-preventable, socially significant and diarrheal infections in the Republic of Guinea

Yellow fever epidemics in the Republic of Guinea: problematic serological diagnosis, challenges and prospects

Molecular epidemiology of natural-focal diseases in the Republic of Guinea – results of work in 2021–2023

Study of viral infections circulating in the territory of the Republic of Guinea

Using verbal and social autopsy to estimate Lassa fever infection and mortality in Gueckedou District, Republic of Guinea

The results of the infectious diseases control collaboration of the Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Center and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation for the period 2020–2023

The spread of measles and collective immunity to the pathogen in a number of countries in Eurasia and Africa during the period of elimination of infection

Enterovirus infection in South Vietnam

Features of malaria diagnostic tests under development with view of their use in Africa and South America


Russian-Burundian Center: prospects for cooperation

Collaborative research centers: strengthening global efforts in infectious disease prevention

Results of cooperation between National Institute of Hygiene “Rafael Rangel” and the Joint Russian-Venezuelan Center of Infectious Diseases Research

Epidemiological features of the spread of rabies, monkeypox and COVID-19 in the Republic of Cameroon

Infectious diseases and COVID-19 in Angola

Participation in the Rospotrebnadzor mission to eliminate an outbreak of intestinal infections in the Republic of Congo: the experience of infectious disease specialists

Rapid response teams for sanitary and epidemiological emergencies: Russian experience for partner countries




СПб, Сенатская площадь, 3, конференц-зал Президентской библиотеки им. Б.Н. Ельцина.

The map shows the route to the National Boris Yeltsin Library from the Angleterre Hotel (St. Isaac's Square, 24 Malaya Morskaya St.), from Admiralteyskaya metro station (1/4, Kirpichny Lane).


The nearest streets for parking personal transport are Galernaya St., Konnogvardeisky Boulevard, Admiralteisky Prospect (near St. Isaac's Cathedral), Voznesensky Prospect (near the Angleterre Hotel), as well as all nearby streets. The cost of parking in Admiralteisky district is 100 rubles per hour. Parking for 15 minutes is free.